Arabic Grammar Level 1
(Introductory Level in Arabic Grammar & Tajweed)
Learn Arabic to understand the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Hadith
The course is aimed at beginners and is taught over 1 term to improve and enable students to communicate in Arabic Fus-ha within a limited range of everyday situations using the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Arabic Fus-hah is the recognised means of formal spoken and written communication. It is used in the Qur’an, traditional Islamic resources and also used throughout the Arabic speaking world on official occasions, in education and the media.
The course is taught in English and Arabic. There is a balance between communicative activities, structure practice, grammar and vocabulary. The class size is limited to 20 students to maximise interactive learning.
Language purposes and functions
In this level we will cover (at a basic level) the following functions:
- Taking part in simple social situation (e.g. greeting, response to greetings, expressing thanks and apologising)
- Giving simple information
- Asking simple questions
- Answering simple questions
- Describing (e.g. colour, size, location, possession and appearance)
- Giving simple opinions
- Following / giving simple instructions
- Expressing ability
- Using numbers (from 1 to 10) and expressing quantity
- Expressing time (days, months)
Grammar and Linguistic Structures
By the end of Level One (Basic stage), students will recognise and be able to make an attempt at producing the following grammar and linguistic structures, within the appropriate functional area. Good knowledge of Arabic script is required. Please consult the grammar detailed list for more information.
Nouns (الأسْمَاء)
- Demonstrative Pronouns (أسْمَاء الإشَارة)
- Masculine (مُذَكَّر) and feminine (مُؤنَّث)
- Definite (مَعْرِفَة) and Indefinite (نَكِرَة) Basic knowledge of case ending (الرَّفع nominative / النَّصب accusative / الْجرّ genitive) and Tanween
- Al-Idaafah (الإضافة)
- Singular (الإفراد), dual (التثنية) and plural (الجمع)
- Nominal sentences (الجملة الإسمية)
- Hamzah al-wasel (همزة الوصل) and Hamzah al-kata’ (همزة القطع)
- Diptotes (الممنوع من الصَّرْف)
- Calling (النَِدَاء)
- Relative Pronouns (الأسْمَاء المَوْصولة) - Adjectives (النعت / الصفة)
- Pronouns (الضَّمَائِر)
- Prepositions (حُرُوفُ الْجَرِ)
Verbs (الأَفْعَال)
- Basic knowledge of different type of verbs
- Past tense (الفِعل الْمَاضي)
- Negative form of the past tense (نَفيُ الفِعل الْمَاضي)
- Questioning forms of the past tense (الإستِفْهَامُ بالفِعل الْمَاضي)
- Verbal sentences (الجملة الفِعْلِية) - Adverbs (الظُّرُوف)
- Conjunctions
- Question words (الإسْتِفْهَامُ)
- Numbers (الأَعْدَاد)
Vocabulary Area
At Level One (Basic), the Language purposes and functions will be used within the following vocabulary areas. Vocabulary used in each area takes account of the different needs and interests of learners in this level:
- Personal information
- Home and surrounding
- Studying
- Working
- Health
- Animals
- Shopping and services
- Eating and drinking
- Holidays and travelling
This course is aimed at students who have successfully completed the introductory level with SAIS or a suitable equivalent.
The text book used is ‘The Arabic Course of Madinah Islamic University for English Students, vol. 1’ by Professor V. Abd Al-Raheem. This text book will be given to each of the students on his/her first Arabic lesson. Other texts will also be used throughout the course to aid learning. However it will not be necessary to buy these books or for SAIS to provide different textbooks as photo copies and handouts will be given when different materials are used by the teachers.
Assessment and Homework
Homework will be given every lesson in order to help the student to connect with the subject. Homework carries 48 % of the total, end of level, mark. The homework will be based on particular exercises from the text book, as well as from the Qur’an, Surah Al-Kahf. There will be some self-term assessments during the course as well as at the end of the course assessment. This carries 52 % of the total mark. This assessment will be based on the reading and writing skills covered at this level.
SAIS also offers an optional official exam from OCR. As this is an external exam there will be an additional charge for those who would like to take this exam. Please consult the School admin for more details about the levels available and fees.
Course References
There are many references to support students in this level, however, most of these references are in the Arabic Grammar. Please consult the detailed course references list. Here are some of the books:
“Access to Qur’anic Arabic”
- By AbdulWahid Hamid -
“Mastering Arabic Grammar”
- By Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar -
“Mastering Arabic”
- By Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar -
“Al-Arabiya Bayn Yadayk”
- (Arabic in Your Hands) -
“Qisas – an–Nabiyin”
- By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi -
“Al-Qiraat – ar–Rashida”
- By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi -
“Sirat – Khatim – an–Nabiyin”
- By Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi -
“Mini English – Arabic & Arabic – English Dictionary”
- By Wagdi Rizk Ghali -
“Arabic – English Dictionary”
- Hans Wehr a dictionary of modern written Arabic
These references and books are available for purchase from SAIS
Vocabulary list
Students in this Level will learn and memorise more then 200 words. These words are used in and takes account of the nine different areas mentioned earlier. However, only students who are registered for the course will get this list.